Advertising Tips For Beginners – 3 Ways to Get Free Advertising

When you’re just starting out with your business, it can be hard to drop the cash necessary for a comprehensive marketing and advertising campaign. When you find yourself in that situation, it’s time to focus on advertising tips for the frugal minded. There are many options to advertise for free, if you get a little creative. Following are 3 ideas.

1) Take advantage of free message boards like CraigsList. These sites will allow you to list your business in a number of categories. Be sure to keep your ad fun, conversational and interesting. You’re looking to stand out from the rest and a clever ad is a great way to do so.

2) Turn your car into a moving advertisement. With a little bit of paint and elbow grease, you can paint an advertisement for your business right on the side of your car. This might sound silly, but imagine the looks the other motorists will give you! They surely won’t forget your vehicle – or your business.

3) Pass out flyers. If you’ve got a ream of paper on hand and a reliable printer, designing and handing out flyers can be a great, free way to get the word out. If you’re not the most creative person out there, try to find a graphic design business that is just starting out. Often these businesses will offer free design services if you allow them to place a small advertisement for their company on your flyer.

These advertising tips are perfect for beginners who are just trying to get a little exposure. Once your business is established, you can move on to more professional advertising that will increase your business tenfold.

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