Global consulting refers to the service being offered to organizations to help them expand their business offshore. The aim is to boost the sales and revenue of these organizations by tapping new, lucrative markets. If you offer such service and if you want to increase your sign up rate exponentially, here’s what you need to do:
1. Go online. Obviously, you will need to advertise online based on the service that you are selling. Start by creating your own website. Choose a domain name that is catchy and very descriptive. Hire a professional web designer who can give your site the professional look. Then, load it up with valuable information that your prospects might be interested to know about. Give them a brief background about your offering and the benefits that your consulting service can offer them. It’s very important that your website speak volumes about your expertise and relevant experience in this field to easily win the business of your prospects.
2. Go with video marketing. Create a compelling video that talks about the benefits of global consulting in growing one’s business and post it on video sites like YouTube. Make sure that your video is informative and content-rich. People who see it must feel that you are truly experienced and that you know what you are doing. This is like giving them a guarantee that you can give them great value for their money should they decide to sign up.
3. Telemarketing. This is another effective way to easily get in touch with your prospects. Start by obtaining their phone numbers and the name of the decision-makers. Then, call them up to offer your global consulting services. To make this task easier for you, I recommend that you create a compelling sales script before you dial any number. It would also help if you have a list of all the benefits that your services can offer. You will need to highlight these throughout the call to make your services look more valuable to the eyes of your potential clients.
4. Offer free consulting sessions. This is another great way to market your services. You can conduct consulting sessions that your prospects can take advantage of for free. Your goal here is to make these people see how important is your service in growing their business and in improving their revenue so they’ll be enticed to sign up in no time.