Online Marketing and Advertising For Beginners

Isn’t online marketing and online advertising the exact same thing? Many people think that Online Marketing and Advertising are the same thing – that’s true. But with the emergence of Web 2.0 era, these terms now have different meaning. Online Marketing is the art of building web friends, in one of the many social communities on the internet; Online Advertising is when you actually place ads and articles, through out the internet, with the intent to sell a product or service.

Online Marketing will bring you thousands of qualified prospects

Do you know what websites get the most visitors per month in the whole world? If you go to you will see a list of the top websites in the whole world — in terms of visitors. I want to focus on six websites in particular. They are as follows:

Rank#5 Facebook

Rank#7 MySpace

Rank#29 Flickr

Rank#41 Friendster

Rank#45 Skyrock

Rank#64 Dailymotion

These are all social networking sites. Out of the millions of websites that exist online these six are in the top 100. That means that these sites get millions of visitors per month. That means there are plenty of people for you to make friends with and plenty of people that you can turn into customers. This is one reason why online marketing is so powerful.

If the goal of Online Marketing is to make friends, then how can you make money?

It’s simple actually. Who would you rather buy something from? Someone you know and trust or complete stranger. The idea of online marketing is just to participate in discussions of your choice. Ideally something you’re familiar with. Yeah, this takes time but its very powerful marketing method to use to grow your business. And it works way better than if you were off-line trying to make friends in the mall, or grocery store or some other places like that.

Online Advertising is an amazing way to grow your business but it is not a simple as Online marketing

There are millions of individuals who are great incomes through online advertising but it takes a little time to learn. Online advertising consist of placing ads, creating ads, writing ads, and of course online marketing – also know as social marketing. With the implementation of online marketing and advertising, you can easily see sky-high results with your business, and financial growth. There are some great free and fee-based websites that will give you the information that you need to have success, but you’ll learn more with the paid methods. There are even some places that will literally walk you through the whole online marketing and advertising process. Having said that, just remember that there are tons of places that can be helpful to your business growth; you just must remember to do your homework.

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