Personal Branding For Sales Success – Winning Sales Advice, Tip 1

I can’t believe the amount of companies that spend millions on advertising and then leave their customers at the mercy of untrained rookie employees! Think I’m kidding? Hardly. I’ve seen the demise of national institutions that just didn’t get it… a lack of training that reflects a “bend over dollars to pick up pennies mentality.”

If you work for such a company, you have three choices:

1. Leave this company immediately and find a better one!

2. Start your own business!

3. Stay with the company and develop your PERSONAL brand so it is congruent with the expectations customers have of your company. Actually, option number three applies no matter which option you choose…

As a professional salesperson, how can you deliver on the promise of your corporate brand? The answer, while simple, is ignored by most.

A good way is to position yourself as an expert. This process begins by narrowing your area of expertise.

How so? By becoming an expert in a niche area relevant to your industry. Become the “go to person” when people have questions about your area of expertise.

Here’s some ideas for you:

• Write articles for trade publications, online publications, e-mail newsletters and business journals. Submit your articles to online article sites (such as the one you are on right now)

• Register an appropriate domain name and start writing a blog. If your company allows it, add your blog address to your business card. If not, print a card that profiles your expert status (with a title that uses the word “expert”). Put your blog URL on this card

• Seek out radio station producers who put on business shows. They are constantly looking for material that is timely, relevant and helpful to their listeners

• Hone your public speaking and presentation skills by joining Toastmasters. They have locations in most cities. Once you become a poised and confident presenter, offer to conduct complementary content-rich seminars at your local Chamber of Commerce and other associations

• On a regular basis, send your prospects and customers copies of your articles. It’s a great way to maintain “top-of-mind” awareness

The ultimate compliment in business is the earning of referrals. And since people put their reputation on the line when they recommend somebody, they need to know that person operates in a predictable and professional fashion. So if you want to be “referable,” you need to be “predictable” with your sales behavior.

The Bottom Line? People buy from people they like and trust… nothing new. The revelation here is, if you out-prepare your competition by enhancing the power of your personal brand, you will be liked and trusted.

As always, only a few people will take action on this advice.


Because there’s a big difference between knowing what to do… and actually doing it. I urge you to take action. And as you’re doing so, always ask yourself the key question, “can I do better… and if so, how?”

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